Alessia Pagotto's profile

L'iconografia del mostruoso-Editoria Project

L'Iconografia del mostruoso 
Editorial Project

This project is a brief and circumscribed editorial research in the iconographic universe 
of the "uneven", fantastic and not, starting from the period during which man attributed 
a soul to natural phenomena, I dealt in particular with the themes of the bestiary, 
of the geography of the monstrous and of the monstrous races in a path that, substantially developed in the Middle Ages, reaches our days. In this panorama 
a universe of threatening and non-threatening creatures moves, almost always symbolic and too often a representation of the dark side of man that emerges as an essential figure: neither monster nor angel, but creator and creator of his creatures.Fantastic, monstrous, deformed and unnatural figures have always populated man's religious, artistic and dreamlike imagery.These figures find their ancestral symbolic essence 
in the deepest recesses of the psyche and in the most remote structures of the myth 
and culture.

L'iconografia del mostruoso-Editoria Project

L'iconografia del mostruoso-Editoria Project
